Starlight Scans

Dreams are better than reality~


If the question you want to ask is not here, please send me an email.

When will you release the next chapter of [manga title here]?
Don’t expect any polite reply from us with this kind of question. Most especially if these kinds of questions come from people who do not help in any way with regards to the making of the releases, otherwise known as ungrateful leechers. >[ Want to help? Practice, practice then practice some more to become an editor for Starlight Scans! We do these in our free time and that means there isn’t an exact date or frequency for our releases. Comments/emails asking about this will be automatically deleted. If you want faster releases you can help us by joining our staff.

Do you scanlate licensed manga?
No, we won’t scanlate a manga into a language it is already licensed in.

What kind of genre your team is working on the most?
I would like the group to work on shoujo manga but there could always be exceptions. The group can basically do any genre of manga depending if the plot is good and if the staff wants to do it.

May I host your projects on my site or upload it to any online reading sites?
Yes, but we have a 3 day waiting period. Only Twee026 is allowed to upload it to Mangafox but for other online reading site, I’m fine with anyone but please follow our waiting period of 3 days

Are you open for joint scanlation projects with another team?
Yes, we are 🙂 Just email me.

Can my group retranslate Series ________ to another language?
You have to get our permission first. Please email us at to get our permission.

Can I request a manga title for you to scanlate?
That depends on a few factors. One, if the manga isn’t licensed in English. Two, if we have scans of the manga you want, or we have a hardcopy of it. Three, if there are staffers willing to work on it. Lastly, if it’s not being scanlated by anyone else.

After reading all this and you still have questions unanswered then email me at starlightscans(at)hotmail(dot)com.

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