Starlight Scans

Dreams are better than reality~

Monday Release !!!

on January 31, 2011

Hey Everyone,

We finally have a release after weeks of no releases 🙂  Based on the schedule that I posted below, we’re releasing Angel Lip Chapter 4 today.

This week and the following week of releases will be dedicated to our 3 awesome staff. Lilpolar our awesome proofreader who had her birthday 2 weeks ago. Alice our really fast cleaner who had her birthday a week ago. Rose who’s been the first proofreader the group had, unfortunately she has gone MIA but even though, we will still include her and her brithday is on Wednesday. We, the Starlight Family would just like to greet you guys a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Enjoy today’s release !!!! 😀

You can download it in our >FORUM<

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